Technology I’m Currently Using January 2021

Today is January 10, 2021, and here is the technology that I am personally using on a daily basis.

My computer – HP Envy

HP Envy laptop with Tux sticker on the back

I purchased this laptop during the 2020 holiday shopping season before Black Friday on sale at Best Buy.  This was the turning point in my daily computing life because this was the first none Mac purchased computer (with the exception of home build that I did as a bucket list project) in 20 years.  I am a living witness that “once you go Mac you don’t go back!” is not entirely true.  Accordingly, that statement is true in that I have not returned to Windows, and as I shared with a friend last night, I like to think of it as my computing evaluation.   

I am currently dual-booting primarily running Pop OS Linux version 20.10 from System 76 (based on Ubuntu 20.10) and Windows 10 about 15% of the time for some things like Microsoft Teams.  The official switch from macOS to Linux took place in December 2020, however, it has been brewing for about 6 years.  I love the macOS and think that I probably always will, nevertheless I don’t want to use it as my daily driver at this point in my life.

My phone – Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Note 8 phone app drawer screen shot This old faithful and fully factory reset over the holidays 2020 and it’s like getting a new phone.  This phone is 3 years old as of Christmas Eve 2020, and has served me very well.  It has 64GB of internal storage and Eventually, I would like to think that I will get a Pixel, but thus far since leaving iPhone I have only had Samsung phones.  I pretty have always run the Nova Launcher on all my Android devices for as long as I have used Android.  If it’s not obvious, I love Android and quite frankly not a fan of iOS at all.

This is just a quick view into some of the tech that I am using, but stay tuned for future updates.


Thanks and God bless.